By sending ultrasonic sound waves into water a formation of gas bubbles is created, which is called ‘cavitation’. After some time these bubbes reach a state where they no longer remain as bubbles and they implode, which is called ‘acoustic cavitation’. Shock waves actuated by these implosions proceed inside the fluid towards the first surface the encounter (part surface) and create a ‘brushing effect’. This method makes a cleaning of the part possible, which is not feasible with other methods. Waves reach blind corners and any other areas of the part, which in other cases are not accessbile. This process is very fast and enables intensive cleaning.In this method additional operations such as rinsing, drying and vacuum drying are generally required as well. Moreover in most cases these systems are equipped with oil seperation and filtration setups as well.Ultrasonic cleaning machines and plants can be supported with robotic systems.Please contact us for further details on our products.